Apple Faces Third Consecutive Class Action Lawsuit

Apple was once one of the most successful corporations in America, but now they're one of the biggest corporations in the world. Behind the iPhone, iPad, AirBook, and many other popular products, this massive corporation earns more a year than the GDP of some entire countries on the planet. Recently, however, Apple has been involved in a spate of class action lawsuits that seem to be tarnishing the brand's reputation. These lawsuits have been coming one after another. As of earlier this week, Apple is facing its third simultaneous lawsuit, filed consecutively, over claims that the company tracks user data against their own policy. In a nutshell, Apple claims that it will not track user data if the user turns the App Tracking Transparency feature off in their devices. However, evidence has come to light to suggest that Apple tracks their devices in other ways, thus invading users' privacy.

At this point, this isn't some conjecture. It has been demonstrably proven that Apple does this. The class action is just a formality at this point. Researchers independently tested Apple's products and turned off the App Tracking Transparency feature as suggested. However, it was demonstrated that Apple still tracked devices and data through a range of Apple apps, including Apple TV, Apple Music and the App Store in general. What makes this even worse is that this tracking data can identify someone, even though Apple claims that it cannot. Though, again, it was illustrated that Apple's tracking data can in fact identify a user due to the permanent ID number that's tied to various iCloud accounts.

In other words, it was shown that Apple relentless tracks users, through almost every Apple-owned app they distribute, and even through iCloud accounts of users whose devices have uploaded content to the cloud. This is a pretty big deal in the tech world. Everyone knows about cookies and basic tracking, but Apple has taken this to the next level and seems to be basically stalking all of its users, knowing where they are at any time. Couple this with rumors of Apple having access to people's microphones and cameras on Apple products, and basically Apple is doing a better job at spying on people than the CIA ever has.

The real kicker here is that all of these lawsuits are basically the same. It's three different class action lawsuits, with three separate classes, all alleging a version of the same thing: Apple is tracking its users. It remains to be seen how this is going to play out. Theoretically, everyone could forge into one giant class, though that is a bit unlikely given the fact that Apple is being sued in different jurisdictions.

Many people may be wondering how Apple is going to handle three lawsuits at once. The answer: They're not; not really. They're going to pay some money, and that's that. This is just the way these large corporations operate, and the people suing them are happy enough to get a couple thousand dollars, so they can turn right back around and buy more Apple products. It's a strange genre, but that's precisely how it operates.

Do Not Expect Any Court Proceedings

Last November, 2022, Apple was sued by Elliot Libman who accused Apple of tracking data and breaching its own privacy policies. Then for the second lawsuit, just this past January 6, Joaquin Serrano filed a suit claiming the same sorts of infractions from Apple. Apple was tracking its users through iCloud. The third lawsuit just happened earlier this week, but it's really piling on for Apple right now. From the outside looking in, it would appear as if a lot is going to change with the company going forward.

Don't be fooled by these different lawsuits, however. Apple will settle them very quickly, because they're not all technically class actions yet. Classes will be formed at a later date. For right now, it's just a few people suing. Apple could technically avoid a class action if they hurry up and pay off the plaintiffs. There are no laws against that. Or, if these suits do develop large classes, Apple will just have to pay off more money, but this will be no sweat off of their backs. They set aside billions of dollars a year in funds just for instances like these.

In a fair world, Apple would have to go through a trial and change what it's doing. In this world, they'll pay out some money and just hide their tracking better going forward.

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