The Benefits of Filing a Class Action Lawsuit Instead Of Going Alone

Class action lawsuits are legal cases filed by a group of people harmed similarly by the same entity. When people suffer the same injury or share a common goal, it makes sense to file a class action lawsuit instead of each person filing their lawsuit. In most cases, these lawsuits involve product liability or consumer protection issues. Despite the complexity involved in filing a class action lawsuit, there are several reasons why this route may be advantageous over filing an individual lawsuit, including:

1. Greater Chance of Success

When the same defendant harms multiple people, it strengthens the case. The strength of the evidence is one of the significant factors that a judge or jury will consider when determining whether or not to award damages. When there are many plaintiffs, it is more likely that there is significant evidence to back up the allegations.

Courts scrutinize joint cases more carefully to ensure that each plaintiff has a good chance of success before allowing the case to move forward. Besides, this extra level of scrutiny can work in your favor by weeding out any frivolous claims early on. It's easier to file a case of urgency when there are many plaintiffs.

2. You Can Share the Costs

Filing a class action suit means that you can share the costs of pursuing legal action with other class members. It includes the costs of hiring an attorney, paying filing fees, and any other associated costs. It can make pursuing a class action lawsuit much more affordable than going alone. On the other hand, if you choose to pursue an individual lawsuit, you will be responsible for all the costs yourself. It can quickly become costly and even deter you from pursuing legal action.

3. You Can Hold Large Companies Accountable

Large companies have deep pockets and can afford to hire the best lawyers to defend themselves. When you file a class action lawsuit, you level the playing field. You can hold large companies accountable for their wrongful or illegal actions. Besides, the impact of a class action lawsuit might make the defendant change their ways and prevent others from future harm.

4. You Can Get Your Day in Court

You're getting your day in court when filing a class action lawsuit. You'll have the chance to present your case to a judge and potentially get the relief you're seeking. It's in contrast to going it alone, where you might not even get the chance to have your case heard. Courts delay personal injury cases, and some judges throw them out altogether. But when you file a class action, the court must hear your case.

5. You Can Seek Punitive Damages

Punitive damages punish the wrongdoer and discourage future bad behavior. They are often only available in class action lawsuits, not individual ones. By extension, if you go it alone, the responsible party may not face any significant consequences, even if they've caused you and others a great deal of harm.

For example, in the 2014 Toyota sudden acceleration case, punitive damages were unavailable to individuals who filed lawsuits against the carmaker. However, they were available to the plaintiffs in the class action lawsuit, which ultimately resulted in a $1.2 billion settlement because they filed a substantial class action lawsuit.

6. You Can Seek Injunctive Relief

Injunctive relief is a court order that requires the defendant to take a certain action or refrain from taking a certain action. It could require the company to stop selling a defective product or to start posting warnings about dangerous side effects.

Injunctive relief is often only available in class action lawsuits because it requires a showing that the plaintiff's injury is likely to occur again in the future. If there is only one plaintiff, there is no risk of future injury, so injunctive relief would not be available.

7. High chances of getting professional legal representation

When you are the only plaintiff in a case, it is quite likely that you will not be able to secure high-quality legal representation. Most law firms are only interested in taking on cases with multiple plaintiffs since class action lawsuits tend to be more complex and require more resources. Besides, prominent attorneys prefer sensitive lawsuits to build their practice and enhance their reputations.

Are you a victim of consumer fraud, product liability, or corporate misconduct? Filing a class action lawsuit can help you get the compensation you deserve while sending a message to the responsible party. Class action lawsuits level the playing field, holding powerful companies and organizations accountable for their actions. If you're considering filing a class action lawsuit, contact an experienced attorney to discuss your case.

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